
Четверг, 06.02.2025, 07:40
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Stereoscope Viewer With Adjustable Mirrors

Stereoscope Viewer With Adjustable A-grade Front Surface Mirrors

First surface mirrors are made for applications requiring a strict reflection without a ghosting effect as seen with a second surface mirror - where a faint secondary reflection could be observed, coming from the front surface of the glass. This includes most optical applications where light is being manipulated in a specific manner. Telescopes, projection televisions, and periscopes use this type of mirror. A-grade is the most reflective, brightest mirror with an optimum quality glass substrate. This is the highest quality mirror with an enhanced coating that resists scratching and is easy to clean.

This stereoscope glasses are for viewing parallel video and photo stereo pairs of any size and on any screen. The optimal distance to the screen is approximately equal the screen's diagonal. With the help of special software (Stereoscopic Player) it is also possible to watch cross and vertical pairs. Made of plastic, the glasses are very light-weighted (30g) which is comfortable for using them for a long time.


And it simple to adjust the mirrors with side handles as it is shown on the picture so the left sided picture must be visible only for the left eye and the right sided one only for the right. You have to close one of your eyes and tune the mirror on the other one and vice verse without turning your head. It will be much easier this way.


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